Monday, March 3, 2008


I am stating here and now that my goal is to be at the 2009 NATIONAL STATIONERY SHOW in NYC. It's a very, very big deal for people who design card, stationery, etc. From the smallest of businesses to large ones, everyone is there. It can really make your business. People from all of over the world who own card stores come and look for new vendors to put int heir store. You have a little booth which you creatively design and hope to make a lot of contacts and a lot of orders. I have heard that after a small card company attends, they usually are off and running.

Only problem, to be in the show is costs between $2000-$2500 plus all the materials for your booth. With recent opportunities, I feel that I can make it to the show by 2009. Root for me.

Also, if you have any connections or know of any sponsors, feel free to let me know.

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