Sunday, February 10, 2008


Things I'm Into THIS YEAR

Flat riding boots over jeans, rain boots, baking, wearing less make-up, eating almonds, looking for ways to make a dollar, not wearing nail polish, cupcakes, planning a vacation, baking bread, chic music, skim milk in my coffee instead of half and half, splenda instead of sweet and low, eating less meat, reading, learning about the candidates, Bed, Bath and Beyond and trying to be as healthy as possible...

So far, that's just a few things....i'll update more as time goes on.

who knows what 2008 will bring!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great comments...I need to make a list!!!

I just went to the web site The Spoon many really neat things. I just ordered for Moseley's bday (April) the "Construction Eating Utensils"...he'll love it since he loves trucks, bulldozers, so much. So cute. Also ordered for me the "Thumb Thing" #44301...check it out. Will be so great for reading and holding those pages open...great idea.

xoxo, Mom