Friday, October 24, 2008

National Stationery Show

Emma J Cards, my greeting card company, will officially be in the 2009 National Stationery Show at Javits Convention Center in New York City. It runs May 17-20 and is open only to wholesalers (stores and companies that sell cards, stationery, paper goods and the press). I am super excited, but I have a crap load of work to do before it. I not only have to have a really great product line ready, but I have to market my biz beforehand. Send out postcards to a million companies, design and produce a gorgeous booth, make business cards for up to 15,000 BUYERS, make press kits, press releases, and a million other little things. Very scary, but it could be a HUGE start for my business in the wholesale market. Hopefully by the end of 2009, I will be in stores across country. Many small card companies, just like me, run by one or two people, have done the exact same thing, so we'll see.

I will keep you updated on my dealings with the National Stationery Show!!!!

BOOTH 1550! Yippey!

1 comment:

BusyNothings said...

Emily, we'll be there, too! We are currently overwhelmed and a little nauseated... but so excited!!