Everyone I know complains and dreads about being summoned to jury duty. I really didn't mind. I had planned it to fall on the week I have no work, which worked out beautifully. The night before I had to go, I called this number with my instructions on where to go and they mentioned that you can bring your laptop. That was the best piece of advice I got. Taking my laptop was absolutely brilliant, because I spent 90% of my day on it
with free
fi. I got so
much done. I actually really enjoyed myself. I was forced to go through all the junk email I get and I organized all my pictures, worked on my website, wrote some overdue emails and finished the day feeling like I got a lot done.
Then, I got PICKED to serve on a jury. Out of 32 people, they picked 6 jurors and they picked me. Why, I will never know. I felt like I was opinionated in answering their questions, but obviously I was what they wanted. Anyway, I come back the next ready to serve and I end up sitting in a room waiting for my case to be called until lunch time. I am
excused for a two hour lunch break, come back and wait some more. Sadly, I didn't have my laptop so I was bored out of my mind.
Finally, around 3pm they call my case. All of use that were selected get to the counter and the
lady announces that our case was settled. I have never been so happy. This case was supposed to be five days, so I was
ecstatic. I got credit for serving as a juror and can't be summoned for 6 more years. Brilliant.
So, the moral is...don't dread being summoned for jury duty. It's a great break from life to read, compute or just sit and relax. If you do get chosen, a lot
of cases settle outside court. If not, I'm sure it might be kind of interesting.